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R315 - 2023-09-07

UI updates, Smarter Field Filtering & Top Paths Shown as Funnels

Updated over a week ago

UI Updates to Global Filters, Breakdown and Segments

Previously the UI for applying filters and breakdowns was condensed and possibly hard to understand the separation of each action. We've revamped this portion of the product and you'll now see the following options:

  • Segment (formerly Cohort Breakdowns)

    • Use Segment when you want to see results grouped by members of a Cohort

Screenshot of filters, breakdown and segment in Kubit

Smarter Field Dropdown When Querying

Often you'll have 100s or 1,000s of Field values to choose from when building a filter, dropdown or query which was historically sorted alphabetically. While this works fine, we've heard that sorting by popularity is more valuable, so we've done just that!

Popularity is defined by the volume of data related to that specific field, i.e. the ones with the most information attributed to them will be ranked first. This means your most valuable field values will be shown first and less need to search or scroll.

short video showing the new favorite field value feature in Kubit

New Top Paths Mode

When you build a Path chart you previously only saw a Sankey diagram Mode. To improve the value of this analysis we've also allow for Top Paths as Funnels is a great way to see discreet paths without the potential noise of others on the same visualization.

Now you are able to change the Mode of your Path to "Top Paths" which will show you the Top 10 Paths as Funnel charts.

Short video showing the Top paths feature in Kubit

For these Top Path Funnels you are able to:

  • Click the "i" icon to open as a Formula and create a Funnel directly from the Top Path

  • Hide/Show Steps in the Funnel

  • Hide/Show Breakdown

Adding Breakdowns to Top Paths

If you apply a Breakdown or Segment to this Path in Top Paths mode you'll see the Top 10 Paths but sorted from the discreet groups you've created. This sort is based on # of subjects (Users/Sessions/Accounts etc.) who took the Path.

Each Breakdown/Segment will have their own Funnel and the name will denote what group it's comprised of.

Currently Top Paths is only available for Forward Paths.

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