Math Formulas with Measures
We can now use math formulas to make Compound Measures. Previously, we could only add or divide measures. Now, we have the ability to specify a formula and add, subtract, multiply, or divide measures. The following functions are also all supported:
max(A,B) - Returns the max value from both measures
min(A,B) - returns the min value from both measures
ifnull(A, <default>) - Returns A if not null, otherwise the default value
sum(measures) - Returns the sum of multiple measures
ceil(A, <scale>) - Returns values from A rounded to the nearest equal or larger integer, or to the nearest equal or larger value with the specified number of places after the decimal point
round(A, <scale>) - Returns rounded values for A
floor(A, <scale>) - Returns values from A rounded to the nearest equal or smaller integer, or to the nearest equal or smaller value with the specified number of places after the decimal point.
pow(A, x) - Returns measure value raised to the specified power (x).
sqrt(A) - Returns the square root of A
Formulas are now specified at the bottom of the measures section in the Query report type.
Drag and Drop Table Cell Headers
Cell Headers in the Query report type can be moved around now. This allows you to customize visualizations that come from your reports and better organize your data.
Favorite Content
Named Measures, Filters, Cohorts, Fields, and Events can now be favorited. A new star icon next to the content can be clicked to add any of these to a "Favorites" category in the user interface. This keeps all of your collections of most commonly used items together for ease of use. The "Favorites" section functions like a tag.