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Universal Search

All of your Kubit content at the tips of your fingers!

Updated over a week ago

What is it?

Universal Search is a tool within Kubit that allows you to search all content that has been created on the platform. Situated at the top of every screen, the Universal Search feature allows you to search by Content Types, when something was Last Updated, the Schema, Report Types, the content Creator, and Tags.

Filter by Content Type

When filtering by Content Type, you can specify if you'd like to see All content, Dashboards, Reports, Cohorts, or Measures. Depending on the Content Type chosen, you'll be able to apply other filter types.

Filter by Last Updated

When filtering by when the content was Last Updated, you're able to see content that was updated Any Time, Today, Yesterday, the Past 7 Days, or the Past 30 Days.

Filter by Schema

When filtering by schema, if you have more than one schema, you'll see your list of schemas as a series of check boxes. To filter to specific schemas click one or more of the check boxes to enable the filter.

Filter by Report Type

When filtering by Report Type, you'll have Query, Funnel, Path, Retention, Data Table, and Cohort Inspect as options with a checkbox. Similar to the Schema filtering, you may select one or more Report Types to filter on.

Filter by Creator

When filtering by Creator, you'll be able to click the dropdown box to see a list of users in Kubit, as well as type in the box to find a user's name.

Filter by Tag

When Filtering by Tag, you'll be able to see a dropdown list of tags as well as type to search the tags.

Favorite Button

The Favorites Star to the left of the search bar will automatically pop open Universal Search to your favorited items. You can also toggle Favorites from the Universal Search menu.

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