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R378 - 2024-11-22

Updates to Dashboard Filtering and Filtering in Inspect

Updated over 3 months ago

Dashboard Filters

When adding Dashboard Filters, an Owner, Manager, or Editor can Set Filters to the Dashboard. Setting Filters is accomplished by adding Fields, choosing the "Any" option, and then selecting Set Filters. This creates a template for any Dashboard users.

Users can then go into the Dashboard and specify the values to use in the Filter without needing to hunt and find ones that work.

While Viewers can not Set Filters, they can still create and run regular Filters on a Dashboard.

Filters can not be Set or run on Dashboards with reports from different Schemas.

Filter Inspect Columns

In the "Inspect Users" activity, you can now filter columns. Instead of seeing every column in all inspects, you can manually select which ones you'd like to see. This is very useful in troubleshooting cases, where having only relevant columns can speed up time to discovery.

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