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R380 - 2024-12-05

Workflow, Dictionary, and Data Modeler Updates

Updated over 2 months ago

Improved Workflow when Creating a Report from a Dashboard

At the bottom of any Dashboard when you click + Add Content then Create New and select a report type, the report you build will remember which Dashboard you started on.

This way, when you create your report and click Add To, the origin Dashboard will be the default choice.

Derived Column and Derived Field Icon

The Dictionary and the Data Modeler have a new icon to distinguish Derived Columns and Fields. Both will now use the ฦ’x icon. When you hover over the icon, a tooltip will say if the Field is a Derived Column or a Derived Field.

You can read more about Derived Columns and Derived Fields in their linked help articles.

Improved Schema Selection for Multi-Schema Environments

If your Kubit environment has multiple schemas you will keep the same schema when switching between areas in Kubit. For example, if you select a schema to review in Dictionary when you switch to the Report Builder the same schema will be selected.

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