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Quick Access Dictionary

Improving the user experience with a new Drag and Drop mode!

Updated over a week ago

Quick Access Dictionary

The Quick Access Dictionary is a home for all of your Events, Measures, Fields, and Cohorts. It can be found by clicking the book icon in the top right of any Report in the Report Builder or in the Cohort Builder. The Q.A.D gives you access to all of these items sorted by tags, favorites, and type (i.e Event, Field, Measure, or Cohort). When looking for your Events, Measures, Fields, or Cohorts, you can click on them to read their descriptions or use the star to favorite them.

The Drag and Drop Experience

From the Quick Access Dictionary, we can now also pull Events, Measures, Fields, or Cohorts into the Report Builder. When you drag items from the dictionary into a Report, areas where the item can be dropped will be highlighted.

This transforms the new user experience as there is never any question about where Events, Measures, Fields, or Cohorts can go. Additionally, it allows these users to understand the different places where one item can go and encourages exploration. For more experienced users, this offers the opportunity to build Reports quicker. The increased access to dictionary items means that all content is easier to find.

Data Elements to Drag and Drop

Within the Quick Access Dictionary you'll have access to Kubit's 4 main data elements that can be added to your Report. All items are organized by their tags available for the Schema selected

  • Events - A list of all events

  • Fields - A list of all fields

  • Measures - A list of all Saved Measures

  • Cohorts - A list of all Saved Cohorts

Adding Events

When adding Events to your Report we will highlight where those items can be dropped into the analysis. This will look different depending on the Report type you are building.

For example in Query you can add events to the "Measure(s)" section and the "Measure by" defaults to "Unique User". To change the aggregation, you can click "Unique Users" and updated it to which ever aggregation you'd like.

You can add multiple Events as needed to additional Event drop zones.

Adding Fields as Filters or Breakdowns

Once you've chosen your Event(s) and and potential aggregations, you can also add Fields as filters. When you drag and drop a Field, you'll see an option to add it as a Filter or a Breakdown.

To add as a Filter drop the field onto the Filter areas next to your Event or, to filter the entire Report, drop it within the Report Filter drop zone.

To add as a Breakdown drop the Field onto the Breakdown drop zone.

Adding Saved Measures

Separate from our Events and Fields, we can drag and drop Named Measures into specific sections of the Report builder. These are Measures that were built with Events, a chosen type of aggregation, and any Measure Filters, but then saved.

After being saved, they occupy the "Measures" tab of the Quick Access Dictionary. These are good for grouping together complex logic between Events and Fields.

Filter or Segment by Saved Cohorts

Saved Cohorts are accessible and able to be used as filters on Measures and Reports allowing you to filter down to a specific Cohort of users. Similar to Fields, if you'd like a Cohort to apply to all Measures in a Report, you should apply it in the Report Filter section instead.

Report Filter Section

In the middle section of the Report Builder, you'll find the Report Filter Section. This is where you can add filters that apply to your Report globally, rather than filter just on specific Measures or Segments.

Filter by Events

Events can be added to the "Report Filter" section of a Report. When dragging Events to this section, they will be dropped in as a Cohort Filter with a type of "Performed". This allows you to filter the Report down to only a Cohort of your subject who have done a specific Event.

Filter by Fields

Fields dragged and dropped into this section will create a new Global Filter. This means that the Fields will apply to results of the Report. If you drag and drop in a regular Field then a menu will pop up to allow you to choose which values you wish to see in the filter.

If you drag and drop in a Named Filter from the "Named Filters" drop down list in the Fields tab of the Quick Access Dictionary, the Global Filter will populate with a pre-established value.

Filter by Measures

Like Events, Measures are added to the "Report Filter" section as a Cohort Filter. These Cohort Filters have a type of "Measure" rather than "Performed". These filters allow you to filter down to subjects that were part of a group that did a Measure.

For example, if I dropped in a Measure that looked at Daily Active Users as a Cohort Filter, my whole report would filter down to only Unique Users who did the Mainlanding Event.

Filter by Cohorts

Finally, Cohorts in the Quick Access Dictionary are also added to this section as Cohort Filters. These represent Saved Cohorts. Since any type of Cohort can be saved, these Cohort Filters can have types of "Performed", "Measure", "Query", "Funnel", or "Retention".

You can investigate how each Saved Cohort is calculated using the Info Icon.

Group By Section

The Group By section houses two important parts of building Reports, Breakdowns and Segments.


Breakdowns allow users to select a Field and see your Report broken out into the categories associated with the Field. For example, if I wanted to understand which Countries the largest part of my user base comes from, I'd break my Report down by Country. This would display all the Countries that my users came from as a part of the Report.

Events, Measures, and Cohorts

Events, Measures, and Cohorts can't be added as a Breakdown. If you try to drag and drop an Event, Measure, or Cohort into the Breakdown piece of the "Group By" section, there will be no highlighted spot to drop it.


Fields that are dragged and dropped into a Breakdown require no extra configuration. To add a Field to a Breakdown, drag and drop it into the "Add Field as New Breakdown" box.

If you want to replace one Field with another, simply drag a new Field over the top of an existing one. To make a second Breakdown, instead drag the new Field to the "Add Field as New Breakdown" box.


Segments allow you to see a specific portion of users who have done something. They are set up the same as Cohort Filters. Cohort Filters only allow you to see one Segment of what you're analyzing. When using Segment in the Group By section, you can set several Segments and see them side by side rather than filtering down to just one.

Events, Measures, and Cohorts

Events, Measures, and Cohorts will show up in Segments the same as when they are being used as a Cohort Filter in the Report Filter section. They will retain the same defaults as they appear in the Report Filters section.

As mentioned above, using a Report Filter will filter the entire Report down to a specific value, whereas evaluating something as a Segment will allow you to compare the Segments in the final Report.


Fields can only be added to a Segment as Event filters. There will not be a place to drag and drop Fields unless an Event is added to the Segment first.

Drag and Drop Limitations

  • JSON arrays are not supported with Drag and Drop.

  • In Query, Properties can be filled out via Drag and Drop. However, not every Field is a usable Property. In the example below, Hour of Day is a usable property and can be added, but Campaign Start Date is not. Note how the first is able to be dropped in the Property box, but the second isn't.

  • In Funnel, you can exclude Events, but you must first click the "Step Options" Dropdown and click "Exclude Events"

  • In Path, the "Expand Event" Path Adjustment is not available. "Merge" and "Fold Event" are both available, however. You need to click "+ Add Adjustment" under the "Path Adjustment" section and select "Fold Path" or "Merge Path". From there you can add Events to those boxes.

  • In Retention, the Retention Criteria must be manually selected. End users must specify Dates, Retention Windows, and specify how the Retention is being calculated.

  • In Significance after adding a Breakdown, you must manually choose the values you want. Since Significance only supports having three values from a Field used in a Breakdown, these will vary in importance. Therefore the decision on which to use is left up to the end user.

  • In all Reports, Nested Fields can not be added to any drop zones.

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