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Components of a Report

All the items you can create, save and reuse in Kubit

Updated over a week ago

Kubit allows a lot of flexibility in what you create and how you can use and reuse it. When you build a Measure, Filter or Event and then possibly want to access it multiple times this article is for you!


The unique identifier that will be analyzed or counted within your report. These are customized to your specific data model and can be updated or added to as needed.

Subjects are typically:

General Subjects

B2C Subjects

B2B Subjects

User ID

Session ID

Visitor ID

Device ID

Store ID

Product ID

Purchase ID

Organization ID

Contract ID

Product ID

Examples in Kubit:

  • In a Query you would count Unique User IDs that performed an event

  • In a Funnel you would analyze conversion of Visitor IDs through a funnel

  • In Retention you would analyze the retention rate of Customer IDs


Measures are only available in Query and Data Tables. They include one Function (e.g. "Count Events" or "Unique Users") applied to at least one set of Events each can have its own Event Filters.

Create a Measure

You can build a new Measure as needed within each report type

Compound Measures

If you decided you need to add or divide two measures be sure to check out the Compound Measures section of our Query article to learn more about them.

Saving Measures

When Measures are complicated or defined business logic they may be really hard for everyone across multiple teams to remember all the details. Luckily, it only has to be defined once and can then be saved by clicking the vertical 3 dots that appear in the right corner of the Measure block. Once saved it can be re-used by everyone. All you need to know to re-use a measure is its name.

If you are unable to Save a Measure it may be due to your Access Level. Please contact you Admin to request those permissions.


Filters are the constraints applied during your analysis to limit the results. There are two kinds of filters:

  • Event filter - filters applied to the events

    • These filters will be to the right of each event you've selected. This means only that event will be filtered by the conditions you set.

  • Global filter - filters applied to the formula globally

    • These filters appear below all the measures or query definition with "Global" to the left.

    • They will filter the results for the entire query and all events included.

    • They will be applied after the Event Filters.

Each filter contains three parts:

  1. Field: a field of the data model. For example: 'App Version', 'Device Name', 'OS', 'User Type'.

    1. 'JSON' or 'BigQuery Struct' fields can expose their internal data for filter or breakdown through Nested Properties.

  2. Operator: the logic of when to include/exclude specific values

    1. Exist operators: exists 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'

    2. String operators: '=', '!=', 'starts with', 'ends with', 'contains' etc.

      1. Operators '=' and '!=' can have multiple values as an OR statement

      2. Math operators: '=', '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', 'between'. Applicable to numeric and date data type

  3. Value(s): depends on the Field data type and selected Operator, there can be multiple values to be selected from a list of lookup values, or manually entered.

Filter Groups

Both Event Filter and Global Filter support up to three Filter Groups which are connected with a logic operator 'AND'/'OR'. You can think of each Filter Group as a parenthesis.

Saving Filters

Similar to other items, if you find yourself creating the same filters or they are complex you can save them and give it a more meaningful name by clicking the vertical 3 dots that appear next to the filter. Once saved you can reuse this filter across all charts.

To delete a Named Filter you must go to the 'Dictionary' page and then to 'Filter' to find your filter and then delete it.


When you're analyzing data it's important to be able to slice it by various attributes of the User or Event. Breakdowns allow you to group the results by these fields and even Bin them into more meaningful groups in Query.

  • Breakdown by a Field: Select the field you want to breakdown by to see results grouped based on that fields values. These can be things like "User Type" or "Subscription Mode".

In Query you have additional Bin Options

  • Breakdown with Binning

    • When you'd prefer to group values inside of the breakdown into groups or "bins" we've made that available in the Breakdown feature.

    • Select the field you want to breakdown by and click the context menu to expose "Add Binning"

      • You can bin items based on their values, Value Binning, or ranges of integers, Range Binning. Based on the data type you've selected you may see only one or both.

    • Once you've created your bin you can save it for Reuse.

A short video showing Value Binning in Kubit
  • Histogram

    • Often times understanding the number of users with a particular occurrence of an event or compound measure is helpful to understand distribution of engagement.

    • In Kubit you can build Histograms on any Sum/Avg/Min/Max Functions

    • Click the Histogram icon next to your date picker and decide what Subject you'd like to distribute by. User ID, Visitor ID or Session ID are common examples.

This example shows a histogram of Users based on the SUM of Minutes Watched on a Streaming Application. The Range of 100 means each Bin size is equally distributed up to 100 minutes.

A short video showing a Range Binning example in Kubit

Virtual Events

Oftentimes events are enough, but if an event filtered by specific fields or a combination of multiple events means another event you can create those in Kubit via Virtual Events.

Virtual events don't allow for additional filters once you've created them so be sure to include all required filters before you save them.

Define the new event you want to re-use by building it inside of a chart then give it a new meaningful name by clicking the vertical 3 dots that appear to the right of the event block. It's now available as an event you can select at the top of your event list dropdown.

➡️ Next Article: Learn about Query

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